Jan 28, 2011

they say all kinds of things.and yes i try my very hardest to believe them but it just doesnt work..
i guess its not really true?
but heck that,i'll believe them one day or another..but not for now...coz after all,i know it wasnt so bad.it wasnt even bad at all..
they just get the wrong impression..and yea,i want to believe them.i want them to brainwash me into thinking such too..
i just hope that day would come really really soon..
i know it will..
i have the freaking faith in me.
goodness..why am i even thinking about it...
ok im done blogging for today...
i desperately need a scandal day next week..and babe,this better be the first scandal day where we take tons of pictures...in the toilet or whatsoever!haha..i miss ya babe!!!
just came back from sha's house...was sort of a meet up with gfs and bfs as well as ayu bdae celebration in advance...
and i swear it was the best ice cream cake ever...sha and haziq!!!you people are superb! seriously the cake was better than swensens!i want i want!
anyways,a big thanks to rahziah for passing me my chemistry homework:))
so yea..ordered canadian pizza..and played malay movie..
and i had a whole lot of people hugging me!awwww i miss them!!
then everyone wanted to see my stitches sia....and nani took photo...urgh!i felt disgusted!
its so bluek!
haha..anyways,had an awesome time with them...and sean wanted to hit my head sia!!stoopid fella!
then left with rahziah,rusydi,hanafi,sean and faiz...
rahziah sent me to bus stop..thanks alot!
headed to khatib central to buy sis waffle. I SO SWEET RIGHT!*kembang* lol
reached home to find out that dad went jogging. WITHOUT ME!waaahh..i wanna go jogging sia!
hahax..anyways,thats ll for today uh...unforgettable day indeed..
HAPPY SEXY SEVENTEENTH AYU!!!! :D in advance though.hahax!
upcoming birthdays are dhashaini,long he,sha,syazman and rahziah...yipee!
and the spelling on ayu's cake was so cool.. HAPPY BIRTHAY AYU!haha...so cute :)

andandand ...i wanna make one thing damn damn clear...so many rumours ready!!!WE ARE NOT DATING FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!hahaha...just close friends:)
my phone which fell down 13steps on wednesday is kinda lagging:( haiss..at least its not sony ericsson..if it is,DIE!everyday end up like SAI!must throw the phone with great force at least two times a day!hahax!
anyways,i just remembered that i told rusydi i not getting married.haha..then he said he will get people to stalk me if i get married.haha..we'll see about that!
and thanks alot for all the concern people...i really appreciate it...and noraza and irza!thnks for coming over to visit me..i love you people!almost everyday i get bombed with texts! :D
no school for two days is damn boring..i wonder how autistic child is coping without the spongebob keychain on my bag..hahax...SAC i freaking miss you..you hairless person:P
anyways,will be back in school on monday..cant wait...but i dont think i can do p.e!!dammit dammit dammit!!!
anyways,i'm not feeling like myself the past few days...is it coz of the knock?its like i feel i'm in a void...and people say im going through depression?wth!i feel in a daze and all..i'm aware of whats happening around me,but its just that i dont bother.what the hell is wrong with me!
and dad and sis sayd i may become wiser after this knock on my head!lol! definately not sia...i'm still the immature old me:)
so,monday is geog test..woah!not prepared!!
well,thats all uh..gonna meet up with gfs and bfs soon..i miss them so much!!!
and the day i knock my head very sway sia...it was supposed to be the day i sign my insurance for injury or hospitalisation..haha!if only i knocked my head after signing,can claim from insurance!HAHAX!
and dad has been of great help..seriously.i owe alot to him:))) LOVE YOU!

aite,im done here!

Jan 27, 2011

yesterday was horrible!at night..
was packing my bag,getting ready for school tmrw...got english class test!
then my file was on the bed behind me,so i rolled my chair backwards to take it..and the stupid roller jammed and the effed up chair flipped and my freaking head hit the edge of the bed.
damn pain..then dad saw got blood..BAEK UH!
so had to go hospital:( sway sia...did ice compress so it was kinda better..but the headache was horrible..
reached there and they said had to do stitches coz the cut was quite wide and deep..then i was crying to dad telling him i dont wanna do stitches at all..
coz i got "phobia of needles poking through me" eversince 2004 when i got hospitalised in vietnam and they didnt poke my vein properly to but the drips..woah!damn traumatized by that..
so yea,after so much worry and me being all so paranoid,finally had to do stitches...
woah!i damn scared sia..i was like breathing damn heavily and fast...
so anyways,had the stitches done.blue colour string:D haha...then they put this sort of winter cap thingy over my head to compress the cut so that it'll stop bleeding...
came out all fine..then sis texted few of my friends...haiyoo..they all got so worried!
people,i'm fine okayy!!dont worry...
headed home,just in time for drama then slept at 1130+
i have mc for 3 days sia...until the 28!!!woah..i miss school!!!! and couldnt so english test today:((
and i cant believe i actually went through stitching..
but yea,had concussion for the whole day...like the feeling of just being lost,u have no idea what happened..nice feeling indeed.u just forget about the whole effing world..how i wish everyday was like that...
haiss...anyways,scandal day was cancelled.thanks to be falling down:( sorry babe! i guess it'll only be next week!
and i hope i can go jogging with dad soon.and do my 2.4 and beep test running:))
aite,i need to go rdy..sis wants her lappy back!

Jan 26, 2011

short post.coz i no mood..geog class test postponed coz teacher came in class late..poa test was ok..
tmrw is scandal day..and i didnt buy anything...sorry babe..hopefully if u cme my hse on friday we can eat alot alot:)
anyways,my life damn stressful now...with studies and friendships all going haywire..i swear i dont know where this is leading to..but it sucks big time...and i shall not say anything in detail...just let life go the way it needs to go uh..i swear i dont and i dont wanna give a damn already.
no dance class tmrw..good enough..english test tmrw..not prepared although its essay...
anyways,besides all that.nothing else happened today..i can't wait for tmrw...coz its scandal day..and another thing is gonna happen too...i shouldn't say...
oh well..i'm done here.
and btw,thanks to rusydi and hanafi for sending me and rahziah under the block coz it was raining:))

Jan 25, 2011

back from school!tiring uh...
met up with halima at interchange today..coz dad wasnt feeling well:((now he's fine though:D
me and noraza planned to cry today..hahax!but never uh...lols..
anyways,had mass run + p.e + dance class + jogging...cool right!i like!
so yea,as expected,2.4 running postponed...quite good though:)
had shuttle run today..woah!CMI SIA!!!i got 11.12 secs...sad sad...i want 10:(((
anyways,did all the other stations again...well we "sort of did it" haha!
had dance class..went quite well..can really see the dance forming nicely now:)
and janjab talked to me for the first time..lols
after dance,dad fetched me then off to stadium...with him and maid... jog a little...
then run 1km and i died-ed!hahax...but!i damn happy...my dad say i ran fast...woahh!!like first time he said something good about my sports:) i love yooh!
so maybe everyday might be going stadium if possible:)
okayy..enough for now...gotta revise for poa and geography test tmrw:) wish me luck peoples!

- Your Effed Up Name.. Oops! Correction! The Name Of An Effed Up Person.Yeah!

Jan 24, 2011

ok,i'm not supposed to be blogging.but heck,blogging is like a major part of my life now:) so hard to stay away from it.well,least i'm trying..ok,skip all that!i gotta update bout yesterday and today yea?
so 230111-shafiq's bdae celebration at east coast park...went there with krisna sis and irza..and krisna in the taxi was totally crazy...like an unleashed monkey-cool!but she damn noisy...lols..anyways,celebration was quite fun.played in the ocean..and i got allergy?wtf?who the hell is allergic to seawater sia?i just discovered i am..lols...and we almost threw krisna to the sea..cool!then true or dare was awesome..ask for guys number..haha..but they ended up being bastards..hahax..headed back with krisna,irza and sis arnd 7+..woah!damn tired!took pics with krisna at home(will upload soon kaes-this weekend i guess).then brought back some memories...showered,sent krisna to bus stop,last minute revision for ss and then i KO :)

aitee..240111-exactly two months to rahziah's bdae.and exactly 8 months to maths o level paper...hahax!today was the first time 5na had to do a 8 paragraph social studies essay in 20 minutes.siao!confirm i fail! and noraza today emo:(anyways,hope she's fine now! wednesday got poa test and GEOGRAPHY test.monday got physics test and GEOGRAPHY test.my geog teacher is crazy.3 class tests in one month.wth! die!
so,texted noraza bout the stuff we usually text about^^ queenstown secondary syndrome?haha. and yea!2 people know my tumblr rdy.noraza and irza.DONT TELL ANYONE!:)) i trust u peoples!

Note To Self: dont put your passwords related to ur bf.coz when u people break up,u freaking have to change every single thing and re-memorise ur password.LECEH RIGHT! and yeaa!
advice to "some guys" : brush ur teeth or eat some minty sweet before you start smooching all over a girls' face..haha...okay..that seemed weird! BUT SERIOUSLY -.-
andandand!i'm so freaking addicted to bruno mars songs!!listening to it the whole day while doing maths..and dammit,his songs made me finish my maths topic in like half an hour..which is super fast lehh!BRUNO MARS ROCKS!
and,i wanna try learn a bruno mars song on piano.cool right?got so many sia...can learn all she knows,runaway and idk what else uh..haha..ok enough of all that..
tmrw is p.e day..feeling kinda better now but i hope tmrw is 2.4 running...i dont wanna run for beep test..coz i know i gonna fail...so 2.4,i dont give a damn:)
and i found out that sports heats is on 100311:)))) woah!i damn excited...this yr i'm gonna do all events no matter what...even if my effed up leg gives problems again:)
ohwell,enough of blogging now..see how i get carried away!

- and i just realised it has been with me all along. one glance was all that was needed.i swear i miss those times. it was so... DIFFERENT.
and yea,i'll make it a daily routine now.everyday at least once:) at least i'll have that smile on my face:)

Jan 22, 2011

160th post:)
whoa!its been a long time since i last blogged..coz yea,school stuffs really giving me alot of stress..class tests are around the corner..and i cant grasp much of the subject matter...haiss...well anyways,geography test was awesome as usual...scored 24/25:) yipee! this monday is ss test...and heck i dont understand anything:( i hate this whole self study thingy:(
anyways,its o level year so i gotta get used to this huge amount of work and stress...and i'm trying not to blog as often or use the com as often...so i think that i'll only blog on weekends:) at least i have more time to study...
so,yesterday was a horrible day..no modd at all...and yea,the day before was worse..
i mean i finsh school at 530 and u allowed me to take a bus home...i'll be back home by 630..and u call me at 6 asking me why i am so late...no logic sia..and it was raining too! u expect me to be home in 15 minutes! whatever luhh...its not my fault..
anyways,gotta start on revision for ss test(monday),poa and geog test(wednesday),physics test(1st feb)....woah!stress!!!

Girl- Definately afraid of rejection and heartbreaks.
Guy- Finds it fun to ruin a girl's life by giving some cliche reason.
i hate the guy who made her cry.i swear i do.till now..its been months! u didnt keep to ur words. so much for "WE CAN STILL BE FRIENDS" to hell with you!

Jan 19, 2011

just came back from another tiring day at school...bought nerda and twisties otw to school today...nerds finished befor recess:( anyways,survived 4 periods of poa!YEAH!
haha...so yea,tmrw cant have tuition coz last minute got cca...goodness!can i have some rest...
so,tmrw is scandal week...yipee!actually we should change that to scandal day..hehe^^
ok what else..dad went to kl today..and coming today...:)
after school today had malay coaching which was....nevermind..no comments..
me and noraza were sitting together...and she was vandalising her green tea bottle with her scandal's name..awww..so sweet NOT!anyhow write my name with other guys sia...ashvini love so and so...ashvini love that guy...ashvini love this guy...SIAO!i think it was like 7 guys....wth!i don't admire 7 guys sia! well,maybe one or two of them were correct...oh wait,only one!haha...the nyp guy!lols! kidding...
so yea,took pics and she asked me to upload on fb....urgh!dream on girl..i dont want the other 6 fake guys to think otherwise..hah..so i upload on tumblr kaes...when i have time...which is not now:)
oh well,sis wanna go northpoint soon i guess..gonna finish up maths homework and english...shower shower and off to northpoint...i wanna buy barbell:))) yeay!either green or orange...maybe green...hahax...see first..
anyways,today my voice sexayyy!hahaha!!i seriously sounded like a guy:(( oh my dear throat,wont you please cure already..i couldnt talk to so many people today properly coz of you!!!urgh!
aite..enough blogging..and i realise its been some time since there were pics on my blog...will try upload some soon:)
can;t wait for tmrw!!!

Jan 18, 2011

i lost my voice! 100% sian-ness..dammit!anyways,today was great..thank goodness there was no beesp test..was postponed to next wk?
but yea,had NAPHA!did i spell it right?
oh heck..i did kinda okayy..except for pull ups uh...did 5 and then cannot breathe coz my nose blocked:((
but sit ups was awesome!i got higher than sean:D me did 42!!lol..okayy...dont boast...
and i had a glance at my height and weight thingy...MY BMI IS ONLY 3-5 SIA!!!!others were like 20+ omg..am i that pathetic..and i'm still considered underweight:((
oh well,geog test is tmrw..i'm quite prepared :)
maths quiz was today..aigoo!!fail...tmrw also got maths quiz!die die!
malay coaching tmrw..damn its gonna be hectic!
so what else?dance was normal..lekha didnt come..i miss her:(
take care babe!now everyone falling sick!!
oh yea,sis!!STOP-MESSAGING-PVC-TUBE!!!lols!
anyways,i've got drama to watch now...so buhbye peoples:)
and i hope i pass geog test tmrw!!!i know i can do it babeh!!and two more days for tuition at my house:) 3 more days for scandal week! cant wait!

Jan 17, 2011

quick update here!today school was awesome...although i was damn damn sick..my friends,they're like the bestest people ever...despite me "warning" them not to come close to me,as they might catch a cold..haha..they didnt give a damn!I LOVE THEM!
anyways,geography class test is on wednesday..my geog teacher is kawaii...seriously!
got no sense of planning...
anitha didnt come school today..so i sat with scandal...sorry i forgot to print the pic for you babe!
well,after that..stayed bck with a few kentalians to finish up the vectors wksht...then rahziah headed home with me,to scan some stuffs:)
and noraza,i'm seriouslly so effing glad you started revising:) jiayous babe! you can do it!
so,rahziah came over..ate with her after a long time:) haha..i miss it!
then talked a little about janjab too...did maths homework and social studies hmwk in 5 MINUTES!wow!i never would have imagined that..if i were to do it by myself,it'd probably take hours..haha..thanks babe!save so much of time:) and yea,tmrw is beep test...i need to get well by today...but if i don't,then i wish p.e teacher never come tmrw...or it's 2.4km practice:)
haiss..i just wanna do well this time round:) hopefully.
anyways,i havent started on malay homework...coz its boring..started my timetable thingy...hopefully that'll help...
AND NORAZA!! scandal week this friday...coz school ends at 9.45-and that means we have no recess:))
 can't wait!

Jan 16, 2011

just came back from collecting my edusave scholarship...got 650:) was only expecting about 300,coz i thought government very budget..HAHA!
anyways,might be heading out with sis later...to watch some hinid movie,then maybe to grandad's place...
and obviously,i didn't finish my maths vector hmwk...so i probably should start soon:)
oh well,there's school tmrw,GREAT!and beep test is next week too...seriously,I'M NOT GONNA RUN PROPERLY...kinda tired of all this stupid tests uh..and also,whenever there is beep test,ther'es always something freaking wrong with me,that slows me down from running...and i hate that..last year i only get 5.4 sia.....damn sad!but since it's gonna be the last one...i'll have to run...i want to get a 7.whatever!
besides that,nothing much happened uh...bought waffle on the way home...and damn my sickness if gettign worse...SEE!this might very well be the stupid reason i can't run for beep test..wah!damn sway.
anyways,enough of blogging..i'm really trying to cut down the use of computer and piano-ing as well...coz it freaking takes up alot of my time...well,hopefully i can cut down:)

Jan 15, 2011

2010-2015:problems with guys.
whoa!my horoscope real true sia... 2011-that stoopid arse!steal people's money then go fly fly to UK!
nevermind,the good thing is that my sis isn't with a jerk anymore..and she's fine with it...which seems kinda weird though..anyways,she's fine..thats good!and "macha",i hate u la dei.my facebook now not working so well...oh when it works fine,i'll be the one sending u messages!wah..F U!!!goodness,i can't believe ur so immature!to hell with u luhh...my sis is better off single. i still 4 years left till the end of that horoscope thingy...i wonder who the next 4 idiots will be!
anyways,dad's gonna be home soon.and he's got a meeting tmrw morning at 830...YOU FORGOT ABOUT MY EDUSAVE SCHOLARSHIP!!!so yea,i asked sis to accompany me then....
andand,we actually wanted to fetch dad from airport at 10+...until we realised he was landing at johor -.-!
so,headed to northpoint...walk here and there....then took the super long 811 bus ride back home...the one that goes to chong pang,back to school and through the interchange again...dammit!so cold!
ohwell,i still havent done my math hmwk as promised...can i just study already?
i hate myself.enough blogging,i'm getting carried away.
and i hope tmrw will be a brand new day,and a better one indeed:)
last night i finished up the research on the "dead man"
hahax..slept around 12+ and woke up SICK!urgh,miss bavani pass to me!confirm!haiss...i hate this!
anyways,i'm currently sitting in front the computer with my vectors homework in front of me..but yea,i havent started:) coolness
yeah...i still can't believe its o level year..and about 7 months to prelims?prelims in august right?
woah,like damn fast oni!
anyways,imma finish all homework today...left with maths only...so yea,after that,watch tv and slack till tmrw...and sis wanna watch some movie...urgh1i malas to follow her..
haiss..anyways,it's 5.30 rdy..i gotta finish up my hmwk:))

Jan 14, 2011

last day of school!this week passed by real fast..had dance...and yea,aisyah?gonna quit?aiyoo!!anywyas,dance is going well..of course there's still those rudeness and disrespect from the boys..but at least we're picking up the steps quite fast...we're almost done with the dance...so all that is left will be polishing every step!it's my last SYF!i need it to be a good one!
anyways,janjab...u neevr changed!haha..u stoopid coward..anyhow create story saying you'll talk today...wow!so much for the "talking" bit!
and yea,sadest news of all:((( school piano keys not working..haha..i cannot hear almost half the notes i'm playing...sad sad...no more piano-ing in school!!! :((
anyways,after dance,walked with rahziah..bought prata for her dadi..then i bought kaya n butter waffle:P and 812 back home!!and now!i got no time to blog more..i wanna finish up all hmwks by tmrw:) so sunday i free!haha...for revision!!
anyways,daughter!i'm really sorry for how i've acted recently..i mean,its true about my texts...but i didnt wanna put it in a harsh way.i'm sorry if u got offended in any way...and thanks for the sorry note today....i appreciate it lots...if only i can draw as well as u,i'll definately give u one back:)
and take care kaes!we both are going through things that are affecting our whole life?! haiss..i hope it all gets well...dont be so worked up:)

Jan 13, 2011

i didn't update my bloggie ystd coz noraza came over..and it was great:) i mean,for the first time,i invited my friend over to study,we actually studied:) so yea,thanks babe for coming over:) next thursday yea!
anyways,today was kinda hectic..had the photoshoot thingy going on...and yea,classes were just normal...nothing great happened today...except for the fact that i disturbed adeline a.k.a SAC(stupid autistic child) terribly!hahax...fun fun:)
so yea,after school,was with rahziah...went to collect our clothes and english coaching lesson worksheets...
then headed to doll up for the photoshoot:)
took about one hour?for both indian and malay dancers..pfft!there's only four of us..haha..luckily i brought my huge make up set!haha..bag was heavy,but it was of great use:)
after photoshoot,i lazy to take out make up:)
haha...until now i havent,gonna shower soon though...
headed home with rahziah coz dad went overseas today:(
and he's coming back on saturday??well,u better be home before sunday!must collect my scholarship!
anyways,thats about it luhhs..i've got social studies hmwk and maths hmwk..haiss...and i need to get printer catridge...to print saddam's face -.- for ss...hahax...
and yea,i know ur just saying it for fun..but seriously its kinda hurting..well,really hurting..you really don't have one bit of confidence in me?haiss..heck that..
and i realise that my life sucks now..really really suckish now...and i cant believe i even tried searching for someone,i don't even know ur name or whatsoever..haha...my life damn boring uh..i wanna make new friends:Dand i searched 2,000+ unknown people in search for you.HAHA..i siao right!it's like tring to search for suresh. O.O random.
lols!anyways,my life can still go on without knowing who the hell u are:))
and then...i just hate times when u feel ur doing everything right...i mean,you actually are,but it gets misinterpreted by someone else...and that causes a havoc...well,its not my fault.it really isn't..it's just the way people take it to be...they always take the negatives and never effing realise the positives..that's effing human nature.and i hate that!so,this happened to me twice so far.i don't give a damn anymore...seriously,just do whatever you want,i dont wanna be affected or bothered by all these.it's unnecessary worrying for me.i got my life to llive.you live yours.in any way you want.i won't stop you.i've gotta do whate is necessary,and i know i did that.no more trying.no more "extras" here and there...enough is enough.worrying won't make things better.in fact,i'm not even worrying sia.!lol.
aite,enough said..i'm stopping here.not wanting to pollute my blog with exceeding vulgarities. and dance class tmrw..i can't wait..
lets see what janjab has in store for me:)

Jan 11, 2011

okay,i actually finished typing out this post 10 minutes agao,and i accidently deleted it..SWAY!so yea,school as usual...p.e was boring..and fazil,sorry i smacked you in the face...lol..epic!
and i'm 40kg:) damn proud!
hahax...geog boring as usual...
coaching class was ok uh..but befor that i went to hand in the name tag form..and janjab was there to..and all janjab did was to give the  "death glare" so much for the "death" part...lol...u look like some cartoon character tryna act fierce!FAIL!CMI!
so yea,had coaching till 3.30..headed to dacne class at commerce room with rahziah..lekha and dhashaini were there..woah!i miss them...and janjab said he gonna talk to me...yea,i can totally believe that uh!
sand the best part was the scolding...pin-pointed directly at you,you stoopid janjab...btw,janjab is a cool name noraza created...well,not really created,she pronounced someone's name wrongly...haha..i like the word..janjab:)
so yea,after dance,met irza,saw malay dancers doing SYF dance.its awesome i swear!our's is nothing compared to theirs...but it's not our fault!seriously..i malas to elaborate uh!haha...so yea,bus-ed back with syazman...been a long time since i took 811 from school...talked alot...he sent me to overhead bridge then i'm home:)
watched tv and slacked whole day through...gah!boring!
oh yeaa,,,i think i might just take the mass media course thingy in poly...well,hopefully i develop more interest in that uh...HOPEFULLY!but duh,definately,it can't beat the sports course:)
but,the cool thing will be that,if i take mass media course,i'll be in the same poly as noraza and syazman...coz we all planned to go ngee ann poly to take that course..cool or what!but of course,it would be much more awesome if all kentalians were with me..lol!
oh wells,enough said..tmrw is gonna be hell..4 periods of poa..all the best ashvini!
and noraza coming over tmrw:) yeay!bring snacks hor!
and ah girl ah,u must be seriously out of your mind to say that.but if ur really gonna do it,u'll be in deep shit...andand have you thought about the consequences?your CCA Points all this while *POOF*

Jan 10, 2011

quick update here...i'm done with maths hmwk...
tmrw there's dance..
and yea,tuition is with sis...and free!!!
coz i talked with dad:)
yeay!!noraza will be coming over often:)
so anyways, AUTISTIC PERSON!i ordered ur made in candy rdy hor!
but dont have the medium jar,oni got small one...tmrw i collecting uh!
i still don't know how we started calling each other autistic though..oh wait,i remember..haha...coz my matrices brackets all slanted..
anyways,lemme have my dinner now:) brb..:)
okayy im back...lol...i talked about the sports course and all..thinking about it now,it'll be better if i take mass media.
anyways,i'm busy doing the duty roster thingy...coz my effed up printer just won't print it out the way i want it to...
and yeaaa!!!geography class is freaking boring right now..new teacher..and she's teaching those simple stuff sia..and it's totally basic...and by basic,she teaches "roots grow on the ground" OH WOW!i didn't know that..i thought it grew on your head-.-
seriously sia...at least give 5na some revision work...coz we've finished the whole textbook...then you can go ahead and teach the others...and btw,ur explanations to make us "understand" is SO DAMN KIDDO AND CHILDISH!!
so yea...drama's gonna start soon too...gotta finish this up..
and,i misunderstood you both..i thought your apologies were a hole new scheme ur tryna put up..but i guess its for real..since u apologised to everyone:) wonder what made u change...anyways,you can talk to me...don't be afraid just coz i wear contact lenses-.-
stayed back for the release of O level results...was quite stressful for me too..idk why..
so yea,rahziah passed her malay..wow!i'm so proud of her...
and yea,didn't hear much screaming coz most of them were crying:(
was with gfs,we comforted nabilah..i saw the JAE book...checked out the sports course..26 points? i though it would be lesser...
urgh!heck that...i think i'll take mass media then...
anyways,went for indian dance meeting..after that...went northpoint with rahziah and irza...bought cake to celebrate her passing..haha..i bought for myself too...idk for what reason!
haiss...anyways,gtg now..sis wants her lappy back..and i need to eat my cake...
and i effing need to buck up in studies...
noraza!!!how sia now???

Jan 9, 2011

ok,i'm currently doing the SS research thingy. have to do extra for scandal coz her computer cnnt on.. -.-
haha..no probs,i'll do it..but i expect smething in return!hahax..kidding uh..
so yea,after this research thingy,i'm gonna have to do poa.. urgh!i hate it..
and yea,dad's accountant came over yesterday and she said i should take up POA!whattt!!!
hahax..might consider though,if i'm good at it...I DOUBT IT!
anyways,yesterday night watched dhool with sis...happy with the winners:)
and my aunt show off sia...it behind guest of honour then must show face everytime camera pass by her! haha...but she looked awesome in that pink,purple dress:)
and i effing love her hair!
ohwells,schools starting tmrw.and i already miss my friends!terribly!
didn't go to any poly over the weekends.what a waste...haiss..well,least i still have the beginning of next year:D
aite,i gotta stop blogging!wanna get this research and poa homework over with.and dammit i just remembered that there's math homework.SIAN!
well,thats about it:) its 4pm now..gotta get back to work...
andand i'm gonna paste the BIGBANG poster up today! gyeahh!

Jan 8, 2011

performance yesterday was horrible.i mean,seriously,how can anyone memorise steps in one day?
and that too with changes in the steps?
crazy school..dunno how to plan properly..
well anyways,school was good as usual..poa,hmm...i kinda understand a little more than i did before:)
so yea,performance...beautified myself and also some other girls:) damn we all looked awesome!!the guys too!!haha..aisyah's hairstyle-AWESOME!!!cuteness!
hahax...and yea...this is what happens when u dont dance for more than half a month...muscle pull before performance...BAIK UH!
so yea,took many pics with dancers...but i look horrible hor!!anyways,gonna upload them on fb,coz they look awesome:P
so yea,made it through performance...few mistakes here and there..but not obvious though:)
then watched malay dancers perform...was with rahziah,fazil,hanafi and rusydi that time...
after that,headed to change...didn't wash make up coz had to show it off at the booth..hehe^^
and thanks to rusydi and haziq for really screaming to invite the sec 1's..haha...coolness!
finally finished around 6+
headed to macs with dhashaini and lekha...mcflurry!!
talked about their hilarious english classes..then bus-ed with them...and lekha keeps on mentioning the  "knowingly" crap..hahax..cuteness..i effing miss them both.. good news,they're in my poa and geog class:)
then yea...finally reached home arnd 7...showered...and K.O at 1130...
woke up at 3+..didn't go poly
heck uh..my leg so effing pain..haiss...
anyways,irza,sorry i couldnt meet up after my performance...but at least we saw each other at ISH! and my friends said you're damn sweet:)
and yea,salina!!!!thanks for the spongebob lanyard hor!!damn cute...but i never hang it round my neck coz its freaking long:) and yeaa...thanks for the bigbang poster also!!!taeyang so hot!!!hahax:)
oh well..enough said for now...gonna do the ss research thingy...
and sean!!!you keep on calling me at wrong time liao...haha...anyways,i'll text u later can!after my research thingy is done:)and hopefully can talk talk:)
- you broke her heart,i hate you

Jan 6, 2011

aloha!im back from my shower..was texting noraza and halima and sean and indian dancers...
called rahziah,asked her about tmrw's stuff:)
oh yea,i forgot to mention i met patrine at nyp...i dont think she remembered me though..haha..i seemed like a crazy person who knows her name:P
anyways,halima!!!thank you so much for not giving out my number to unknown cuckoo's..haha....i wouldn't have liked that:)
but yes,i didn't even see him in the train hor!!lol...first day go nyp got admirer(shan's long lost bro)...coolness..
i shouldn't reveal this..plus,it's not important right!!i and noraza promised not till O LEVELS ...but scandal ad usual,forgets her promise....aigooo!!babe,time will come luhhs...don't find replacement so fast liao..
oh well,i gotta do the ss cover page thingy:) and pack bag for performance tmrw!!goshxcs!!!
do you know how stressed up i am!!!gahh!!!!
so,adios people...and yea,i dont think imma blog as often...gonna mug and mug and mug...die die must mug one!!
and yea,played keyboard just now..
THE SWEET SONG OF YIRUMA!!lol..i miss it!
just came back from school.hahax...awesome to see my friends once again..seating plan as per normal:)
and yea,gave all the items to friends..yeay1i made them happy...
and yea,got small fight outside class i guess??anyways,heck that..
SEAN IS IN MY CLASS!haha...i didn't know sia....lols!so yea,confirm i'll be distracted in class everyday hor..everytime laugh laugh and look oni..lols
so anyways,BAD NEWS!dance class cancelled...there was a compulsory NYP open house..we had to go..dammit!how am i gonna perform?damn nervous.so little time:((
oh well,hopefully i don't make a fool of myself..
so NYP,quite good though...but UNFAIR!irza's class get to go RP!haiss...might be going there tmrw aft dance if i'm not tired..but if i can't,then there's no freaking chance of me going there:(
auditorium briefing at first...saw shanmuka's "long lost brother" HAHA...look exactly like him..cute cute...lols!
so,was with kentalians all along...holding noraza's camera,snapping pics everywhere...saw lekha!miss her!!
so yea,me and noraza looking out for hot guys^^
hahax...got alot..lols...i spotted one at the beginning,but sadly,the tour guide brought us elsewhere:(( sad-ed!
noraza spotted millions sia...i spot oni 3 sia..haha..then managed to take pic of her one/s! mine got one pic,not clear:((
hahax..anyways,we didn't go there to spot guys hor...went to check on the courses after getting smething to munch at mac..
the nanotech stuff was cool:) saw the sports course..LIKE FINALLY..first year POA.SWAY!!!!
then got principles of marketing and dunno what else..whoa..i died!
hahax..oh well...headed back with noraza,halima,syazman,aisyah and mano...then met up with the rest of kentalians at mrt...waited for mrt to come..then got down at khatib with syazman...walked,and sent him to the overhead bridge..
and hopefully tmrws performance goes well:) HOPEFULLY!and also hopefully,i don't get so tired tmrw...after performance,might wanna head to RP if i'm not tired...dammit,i need to go there liao..sis says its better than NYP?
yea,and ngee ann is a must too:) all these polys got my course..hahax...
and no matter what,its that course i wanna take,unless i get totally interested in another course...hmm..today i kinda got interested in mass media..seems cool:) ask my aunt to get me job at mediacorp..LOLS!

(i didnt wanna pay $10 for something you won't use,or rather something you will just chuck aside,so i didnt get it:D)

Jan 5, 2011

I'm Back Home!!!
whoa!awesome,but there's school tmrw:(
anyways,where did i stop?
oh yea,hanuman bdae??two days back i guess..
so yea,HANUMAN'S BIRTHDAY! the father of superman and batman..lols
headed to the 65 ft statue at 5am in the morning-india time..
then had breakfast at hostel..the best sambar i have ever tasted..with idli..then headed back to room after some last minute shopping...rested then had prayers...
and yea,yesterday evening prayers was the best-est one yet..a look direct in the eye:) and when u gave us a signal with your hand,telling us to go...whoa! i loved that...so,vehicle was rdy...everything was settled..thanked sk uncle family for the opportunity:) drove to bengaluru airport..freezing!!!
then ate pizza:))
flight back was great...
but sadly,the movies all changed:( hearty paws 2 no more:(
wahhh..damn sad!then i watched social network...i didn't understand 90% of the movie:)
then watched bedtime stories...was actually damn sleepy..but since i had the chance to watch it,i did...
and yea,before the movie could finish,they asked for the headphones back:(
so i gotta somehow finish watching hearty paws 2 and bedtime stories...
so at airport,switched on my phone...bombed with tons of messages:) wow!i have been missed..
haha..rahziah and sean tried to call me while my phone was off..and vishnu tried too! dude,don't you understand that i WILL NEVER ANSWER YOUR CALLS OR REPLY TO YOUR TEXTS?!
cab-ed home,KO!
slept like a pig till 6+
rahziah called after i woke up...told me tons of stuff i need to know:) thanks babe...
and this week is real hectic...dance class tmrw...AND GUESS WHAT!!!PERFORMANCE ON FIRDAY!!
WTH!!!i'm so not freaking ready!!! i forgot the steps...gosh!i don't wanna embarass myself in front of the whole school:(
haiss..anyways,NYP open house tmrw..dammit i so wanna go check out the sports course..but due to dance,i can't..urgh!oh well,hopefully RP will have an open house soon...anyways,enought blogging now..i'm gonna check my emails...and keyboard and tv!!!LIKE FINALLY!!!!

Jan 3, 2011

woke up early today for breakfast at the senior boys hostel..quite nice!! i likee:)
went to college,the boys were preapring for the sports meet on the 11th and 12th..then had a small "farewell" talk..coz the 2 uncles are leaving today..and dad and us leaving tmrw..he got a blue jacket!!or training suit..idk..but if it's a jacket,its mine:D lol..so,that was kinda memorable:)
then headed to primary school with sk uncles' family and the other 2 uncles...primary school had lion and dragon dance training..wow!they improved alot since we last came:)
then headeed for some shopping...bought small stuffs here and there..
and goodness,shopping for boys is horrible!!!me and sis searched high and low for something guys would like..
then finally found one shop with wooden wristband thingys..and i needed 10..they had exactly 10..sway!
then sis said "i give up on guys" lols! she didn't get anything for her guy friends
then bought 2 suits...the same kind...so we both can wear:)
went back to the room...opened up everything and found that one suit was mismatched...
dad was fast asleep,maid was tired..so we had no choice but to go back again...coz tonight it's gonna be tiring,and tmrw,we have no time..
so all the way back there...just the 2 of us..
haha...they didn't have the matching clothing..stoopid...so exchanged for another suit..which is orange!!i like!!
then the shop uncle gave free advice to sis...
then finally headed back to the room,where my dad is still sleeping...
opened up some stufss,give it one last check..i realised that i bought an extra of 2 wristbands-.- i only needed 8..minus-ed off 2 unimportant people..LOL..kidding luhh..important also:)) just that i bought something else:)so,2 wristbands for sis to give annei and WHO AH??!?!?!?
haiss...one hours' time,need to get ready for prayers..
wow!i'm leaving tmrw:))))
can't wait to finish watching hearty paws 2 in SIA flight back hme..hahax:)
and yea,i finished all my shopping...people!i hope you like it hor...and i'm still recounting all the time to see if i actually bought stuffs for all my besties...if i left anyone out,im really really sorry:)
haiyoo..i got too many besties luhh..lols:)

Jan 2, 2011

today had prayers again..morning plans were cancelled coz the car met with an accident..oh well...
then prayers lasted till 730 only..darshan for only 5-10 minutes...pathetic...but still worth it uh..
and sis broke my blue friendship band on my leg -.-
ITS BLUE!and u broke it.i hate you.
must get new one ...that didnt even last 1 month!
i want to buy blue and black or blue and white...nice!!
so yea,chatting with noraza now..she wants justin bieber as a guest of honour for her bdae..
she seriously crazy sia....filled her phone with his videos...lol...
well,still i might follow u for the concert,if we both are able to:)
and i can't believe 12 days passed by quite fast...2 days left and i'm back to home sweet home...WITH MY KEYBOARD!!!
i swear i forgot the songs rdy sia...love me and the day after..i was sorta going through the notes in my head and i forgot most of it:((((
this is what happens when u don't practice what u love like crazy for more than 10 days..SUCKS!
tmrw is 3rd jan!!!!one more day!!!lol..okay,i said that already...i effing excited!!!
can't wait to view al the texts in my phone..if i have any..hahax!
oh well,enough for now..gonna head to bed early today though..have to wake up early..
and goshxxx,india mosquiotoes are HORRIBLE!!!!last night kene bitten sia....on my freaking eye...now look like the lion in the lion dance..urgh!stoopid mosquito...
lols...ok!enough for now...i wanna chat with noraza and probably update tumblr if i have time:)
not feeling too good today...i feel so bluek...lols
anyways,baboons never come today:(( so i ate the bananas on behalf of them.hahax.
so yea,prayers went well,but i was so sleepy..took a 45 minute nap but the bhajans kept on waking me up...urgh!then didn't have dinner at hostel..i ate noodles,back in the room.
and now,my effing headache has started..haiss...
it's 2 jan in singapore..i'm still celebrating new year..hahax!coolness!
oh well,i hope i feel better tmrw...
tmrw morning must wake up damn early...going to the meditation place....
i dowan lehh...got big big spider all...so creepy!
anyways,enough blog posts for the day...this new year wasn't as great as the others i had..i dunno why...maybe coz it's overseas?idk.
ohwells,i'm gonna end here...facebook awhile then play psp game with sis..the racing game thingy(i forgot the title).. :)))
aite,for now...buhbye!

The Shine In A Teardrop Flowing Down Her Cheek <3

Jan 1, 2011

You lied. Nevermind.

2011 is here already.that was fast.real fast!
few more days and it'school.
no more fooling around,its O's this year.
i havent revised much on poa,only revised 40 pages of my  notes..
gosh,wish i could just give up that subject.it's killing me!
anyways,it's ser lee's bdae today..lucky girl..
born on 1 jan 1995 at 12.00...so it's taken as 31st dec 1994,same batch as me..

I Will Break These Chains That Bind Me
Happiness Will Find Me
Leave The Past Behind Me
Today My Life Begins.
A Whole New World  Is Waiting
It's Mine For The Taking
I Know I Can Make It
Today My Life Begins.

All In The Past