Jan 14, 2011

last day of school!this week passed by real fast..had dance...and yea,aisyah?gonna quit?aiyoo!!anywyas,dance is going well..of course there's still those rudeness and disrespect from the boys..but at least we're picking up the steps quite fast...we're almost done with the dance...so all that is left will be polishing every step!it's my last SYF!i need it to be a good one!
anyways,janjab...u neevr changed!haha..u stoopid coward..anyhow create story saying you'll talk today...wow!so much for the "talking" bit!
and yea,sadest news of all:((( school piano keys not working..haha..i cannot hear almost half the notes i'm playing...sad sad...no more piano-ing in school!!! :((
anyways,after dance,walked with rahziah..bought prata for her dadi..then i bought kaya n butter waffle:P and 812 back home!!and now!i got no time to blog more..i wanna finish up all hmwks by tmrw:) so sunday i free!haha...for revision!!
anyways,daughter!i'm really sorry for how i've acted recently..i mean,its true about my texts...but i didnt wanna put it in a harsh way.i'm sorry if u got offended in any way...and thanks for the sorry note today....i appreciate it lots...if only i can draw as well as u,i'll definately give u one back:)
and take care kaes!we both are going through things that are affecting our whole life?! haiss..i hope it all gets well...dont be so worked up:)

All In The Past