Jan 11, 2011

okay,i actually finished typing out this post 10 minutes agao,and i accidently deleted it..SWAY!so yea,school as usual...p.e was boring..and fazil,sorry i smacked you in the face...lol..epic!
and i'm 40kg:) damn proud!
hahax...geog boring as usual...
coaching class was ok uh..but befor that i went to hand in the name tag form..and janjab was there to..and all janjab did was to give the  "death glare" so much for the "death" part...lol...u look like some cartoon character tryna act fierce!FAIL!CMI!
so yea,had coaching till 3.30..headed to dacne class at commerce room with rahziah..lekha and dhashaini were there..woah!i miss them...and janjab said he gonna talk to me...yea,i can totally believe that uh!
sand the best part was the scolding...pin-pointed directly at you,you stoopid janjab...btw,janjab is a cool name noraza created...well,not really created,she pronounced someone's name wrongly...haha..i like the word..janjab:)
so yea,after dance,met irza,saw malay dancers doing SYF dance.its awesome i swear!our's is nothing compared to theirs...but it's not our fault!seriously..i malas to elaborate uh!haha...so yea,bus-ed back with syazman...been a long time since i took 811 from school...talked alot...he sent me to overhead bridge then i'm home:)
watched tv and slacked whole day through...gah!boring!
oh yeaa,,,i think i might just take the mass media course thingy in poly...well,hopefully i develop more interest in that uh...HOPEFULLY!but duh,definately,it can't beat the sports course:)
but,the cool thing will be that,if i take mass media course,i'll be in the same poly as noraza and syazman...coz we all planned to go ngee ann poly to take that course..cool or what!but of course,it would be much more awesome if all kentalians were with me..lol!
oh wells,enough said..tmrw is gonna be hell..4 periods of poa..all the best ashvini!
and noraza coming over tmrw:) yeay!bring snacks hor!
and ah girl ah,u must be seriously out of your mind to say that.but if ur really gonna do it,u'll be in deep shit...andand have you thought about the consequences?your CCA Points all this while *POOF*

All In The Past