Jan 3, 2011

woke up early today for breakfast at the senior boys hostel..quite nice!! i likee:)
went to college,the boys were preapring for the sports meet on the 11th and 12th..then had a small "farewell" talk..coz the 2 uncles are leaving today..and dad and us leaving tmrw..he got a blue jacket!!or training suit..idk..but if it's a jacket,its mine:D lol..so,that was kinda memorable:)
then headed to primary school with sk uncles' family and the other 2 uncles...primary school had lion and dragon dance training..wow!they improved alot since we last came:)
then headeed for some shopping...bought small stuffs here and there..
and goodness,shopping for boys is horrible!!!me and sis searched high and low for something guys would like..
then finally found one shop with wooden wristband thingys..and i needed 10..they had exactly 10..sway!
then sis said "i give up on guys" lols! she didn't get anything for her guy friends
then bought 2 suits...the same kind...so we both can wear:)
went back to the room...opened up everything and found that one suit was mismatched...
dad was fast asleep,maid was tired..so we had no choice but to go back again...coz tonight it's gonna be tiring,and tmrw,we have no time..
so all the way back there...just the 2 of us..
haha...they didn't have the matching clothing..stoopid...so exchanged for another suit..which is orange!!i like!!
then the shop uncle gave free advice to sis...
then finally headed back to the room,where my dad is still sleeping...
opened up some stufss,give it one last check..i realised that i bought an extra of 2 wristbands-.- i only needed 8..minus-ed off 2 unimportant people..LOL..kidding luhh..important also:)) just that i bought something else:)so,2 wristbands for sis to give annei and WHO AH??!?!?!?
haiss...one hours' time,need to get ready for prayers..
wow!i'm leaving tmrw:))))
can't wait to finish watching hearty paws 2 in SIA flight back hme..hahax:)
and yea,i finished all my shopping...people!i hope you like it hor...and i'm still recounting all the time to see if i actually bought stuffs for all my besties...if i left anyone out,im really really sorry:)
haiyoo..i got too many besties luhh..lols:)

All In The Past