Jan 27, 2011

yesterday was horrible!at night..
was packing my bag,getting ready for school tmrw...got english class test!
then my file was on the bed behind me,so i rolled my chair backwards to take it..and the stupid roller jammed and the effed up chair flipped and my freaking head hit the edge of the bed.
damn pain..then dad saw got blood..BAEK UH!
so had to go hospital:( sway sia...did ice compress so it was kinda better..but the headache was horrible..
reached there and they said had to do stitches coz the cut was quite wide and deep..then i was crying to dad telling him i dont wanna do stitches at all..
coz i got "phobia of needles poking through me" eversince 2004 when i got hospitalised in vietnam and they didnt poke my vein properly to but the drips..woah!damn traumatized by that..
so yea,after so much worry and me being all so paranoid,finally had to do stitches...
woah!i damn scared sia..i was like breathing damn heavily and fast...
so anyways,had the stitches done.blue colour string:D haha...then they put this sort of winter cap thingy over my head to compress the cut so that it'll stop bleeding...
came out all fine..then sis texted few of my friends...haiyoo..they all got so worried!
people,i'm fine okayy!!dont worry...
headed home,just in time for drama then slept at 1130+
i have mc for 3 days sia...until the 28!!!woah..i miss school!!!! and couldnt so english test today:((
and i cant believe i actually went through stitching..
but yea,had concussion for the whole day...like the feeling of just being lost,u have no idea what happened..nice feeling indeed.u just forget about the whole effing world..how i wish everyday was like that...
haiss...anyways,scandal day was cancelled.thanks to be falling down:( sorry babe! i guess it'll only be next week!
and i hope i can go jogging with dad soon.and do my 2.4 and beep test running:))
aite,i need to go rdy..sis wants her lappy back!

All In The Past