Jan 17, 2011

quick update here!today school was awesome...although i was damn damn sick..my friends,they're like the bestest people ever...despite me "warning" them not to come close to me,as they might catch a cold..haha..they didnt give a damn!I LOVE THEM!
anyways,geography class test is on wednesday..my geog teacher is kawaii...seriously!
got no sense of planning...
anitha didnt come school today..so i sat with scandal...sorry i forgot to print the pic for you babe!
well,after that..stayed bck with a few kentalians to finish up the vectors wksht...then rahziah headed home with me,to scan some stuffs:)
and noraza,i'm seriouslly so effing glad you started revising:) jiayous babe! you can do it!
so,rahziah came over..ate with her after a long time:) haha..i miss it!
then talked a little about janjab too...did maths homework and social studies hmwk in 5 MINUTES!wow!i never would have imagined that..if i were to do it by myself,it'd probably take hours..haha..thanks babe!save so much of time:) and yea,tmrw is beep test...i need to get well by today...but if i don't,then i wish p.e teacher never come tmrw...or it's 2.4km practice:)
haiss..i just wanna do well this time round:) hopefully.
anyways,i havent started on malay homework...coz its boring..started my timetable thingy...hopefully that'll help...
AND NORAZA!! scandal week this friday...coz school ends at 9.45-and that means we have no recess:))
 can't wait!

All In The Past