Jan 10, 2011

quick update here...i'm done with maths hmwk...
tmrw there's dance..
and yea,tuition is with sis...and free!!!
coz i talked with dad:)
yeay!!noraza will be coming over often:)
so anyways, AUTISTIC PERSON!i ordered ur made in candy rdy hor!
but dont have the medium jar,oni got small one...tmrw i collecting uh!
i still don't know how we started calling each other autistic though..oh wait,i remember..haha...coz my matrices brackets all slanted..
anyways,lemme have my dinner now:) brb..:)
okayy im back...lol...i talked about the sports course and all..thinking about it now,it'll be better if i take mass media.
anyways,i'm busy doing the duty roster thingy...coz my effed up printer just won't print it out the way i want it to...
and yeaaa!!!geography class is freaking boring right now..new teacher..and she's teaching those simple stuff sia..and it's totally basic...and by basic,she teaches "roots grow on the ground" OH WOW!i didn't know that..i thought it grew on your head-.-
seriously sia...at least give 5na some revision work...coz we've finished the whole textbook...then you can go ahead and teach the others...and btw,ur explanations to make us "understand" is SO DAMN KIDDO AND CHILDISH!!
so yea...drama's gonna start soon too...gotta finish this up..
and,i misunderstood you both..i thought your apologies were a hole new scheme ur tryna put up..but i guess its for real..since u apologised to everyone:) wonder what made u change...anyways,you can talk to me...don't be afraid just coz i wear contact lenses-.-

All In The Past