Jan 8, 2011

performance yesterday was horrible.i mean,seriously,how can anyone memorise steps in one day?
and that too with changes in the steps?
crazy school..dunno how to plan properly..
well anyways,school was good as usual..poa,hmm...i kinda understand a little more than i did before:)
so yea,performance...beautified myself and also some other girls:) damn we all looked awesome!!the guys too!!haha..aisyah's hairstyle-AWESOME!!!cuteness!
hahax...and yea...this is what happens when u dont dance for more than half a month...muscle pull before performance...BAIK UH!
so yea,took many pics with dancers...but i look horrible hor!!anyways,gonna upload them on fb,coz they look awesome:P
so yea,made it through performance...few mistakes here and there..but not obvious though:)
then watched malay dancers perform...was with rahziah,fazil,hanafi and rusydi that time...
after that,headed to change...didn't wash make up coz had to show it off at the booth..hehe^^
and thanks to rusydi and haziq for really screaming to invite the sec 1's..haha...coolness!
finally finished around 6+
headed to macs with dhashaini and lekha...mcflurry!!
talked about their hilarious english classes..then bus-ed with them...and lekha keeps on mentioning the  "knowingly" crap..hahax..cuteness..i effing miss them both.. good news,they're in my poa and geog class:)
then yea...finally reached home arnd 7...showered...and K.O at 1130...
woke up at 3+..didn't go poly
heck uh..my leg so effing pain..haiss...
anyways,irza,sorry i couldnt meet up after my performance...but at least we saw each other at ISH! and my friends said you're damn sweet:)
and yea,salina!!!!thanks for the spongebob lanyard hor!!damn cute...but i never hang it round my neck coz its freaking long:) and yeaa...thanks for the bigbang poster also!!!taeyang so hot!!!hahax:)
oh well..enough said for now...gonna do the ss research thingy...
and sean!!!you keep on calling me at wrong time liao...haha...anyways,i'll text u later can!after my research thingy is done:)and hopefully can talk talk:)
- you broke her heart,i hate you

All In The Past