Jan 5, 2011

I'm Back Home!!!
whoa!awesome,but there's school tmrw:(
anyways,where did i stop?
oh yea,hanuman bdae??two days back i guess..
so yea,HANUMAN'S BIRTHDAY! the father of superman and batman..lols
headed to the 65 ft statue at 5am in the morning-india time..
then had breakfast at hostel..the best sambar i have ever tasted..with idli..then headed back to room after some last minute shopping...rested then had prayers...
and yea,yesterday evening prayers was the best-est one yet..a look direct in the eye:) and when u gave us a signal with your hand,telling us to go...whoa! i loved that...so,vehicle was rdy...everything was settled..thanked sk uncle family for the opportunity:) drove to bengaluru airport..freezing!!!
then ate pizza:))
flight back was great...
but sadly,the movies all changed:( hearty paws 2 no more:(
wahhh..damn sad!then i watched social network...i didn't understand 90% of the movie:)
then watched bedtime stories...was actually damn sleepy..but since i had the chance to watch it,i did...
and yea,before the movie could finish,they asked for the headphones back:(
so i gotta somehow finish watching hearty paws 2 and bedtime stories...
so at airport,switched on my phone...bombed with tons of messages:) wow!i have been missed..
haha..rahziah and sean tried to call me while my phone was off..and vishnu tried too! dude,don't you understand that i WILL NEVER ANSWER YOUR CALLS OR REPLY TO YOUR TEXTS?!
cab-ed home,KO!
slept like a pig till 6+
rahziah called after i woke up...told me tons of stuff i need to know:) thanks babe...
and this week is real hectic...dance class tmrw...AND GUESS WHAT!!!PERFORMANCE ON FIRDAY!!
WTH!!!i'm so not freaking ready!!! i forgot the steps...gosh!i don't wanna embarass myself in front of the whole school:(
haiss..anyways,NYP open house tmrw..dammit i so wanna go check out the sports course..but due to dance,i can't..urgh!oh well,hopefully RP will have an open house soon...anyways,enought blogging now..i'm gonna check my emails...and keyboard and tv!!!LIKE FINALLY!!!!

All In The Past