Jan 22, 2011

160th post:)
whoa!its been a long time since i last blogged..coz yea,school stuffs really giving me alot of stress..class tests are around the corner..and i cant grasp much of the subject matter...haiss...well anyways,geography test was awesome as usual...scored 24/25:) yipee! this monday is ss test...and heck i dont understand anything:( i hate this whole self study thingy:(
anyways,its o level year so i gotta get used to this huge amount of work and stress...and i'm trying not to blog as often or use the com as often...so i think that i'll only blog on weekends:) at least i have more time to study...
so,yesterday was a horrible day..no modd at all...and yea,the day before was worse..
i mean i finsh school at 530 and u allowed me to take a bus home...i'll be back home by 630..and u call me at 6 asking me why i am so late...no logic sia..and it was raining too! u expect me to be home in 15 minutes! whatever luhh...its not my fault..
anyways,gotta start on revision for ss test(monday),poa and geog test(wednesday),physics test(1st feb)....woah!stress!!!

Girl- Definately afraid of rejection and heartbreaks.
Guy- Finds it fun to ruin a girl's life by giving some cliche reason.
i hate the guy who made her cry.i swear i do.till now..its been months! u didnt keep to ur words. so much for "WE CAN STILL BE FRIENDS" to hell with you!

All In The Past