Jan 28, 2011

my phone which fell down 13steps on wednesday is kinda lagging:( haiss..at least its not sony ericsson..if it is,DIE!everyday end up like SAI!must throw the phone with great force at least two times a day!hahax!
anyways,i just remembered that i told rusydi i not getting married.haha..then he said he will get people to stalk me if i get married.haha..we'll see about that!
and thanks alot for all the concern people...i really appreciate it...and noraza and irza!thnks for coming over to visit me..i love you people!almost everyday i get bombed with texts! :D
no school for two days is damn boring..i wonder how autistic child is coping without the spongebob keychain on my bag..hahax...SAC i freaking miss you..you hairless person:P
anyways,will be back in school on monday..cant wait...but i dont think i can do p.e!!dammit dammit dammit!!!
anyways,i'm not feeling like myself the past few days...is it coz of the knock?its like i feel i'm in a void...and people say im going through depression?wth!i feel in a daze and all..i'm aware of whats happening around me,but its just that i dont bother.what the hell is wrong with me!
and dad and sis sayd i may become wiser after this knock on my head!lol! definately not sia...i'm still the immature old me:)
so,monday is geog test..woah!not prepared!!
well,thats all uh..gonna meet up with gfs and bfs soon..i miss them so much!!!
and the day i knock my head very sway sia...it was supposed to be the day i sign my insurance for injury or hospitalisation..haha!if only i knocked my head after signing,can claim from insurance!HAHAX!
and dad has been of great help..seriously.i owe alot to him:))) LOVE YOU!

aite,im done here!

All In The Past