Jan 2, 2011

today had prayers again..morning plans were cancelled coz the car met with an accident..oh well...
then prayers lasted till 730 only..darshan for only 5-10 minutes...pathetic...but still worth it uh..
and sis broke my blue friendship band on my leg -.-
ITS BLUE!and u broke it.i hate you.
must get new one ...that didnt even last 1 month!
i want to buy blue and black or blue and white...nice!!
so yea,chatting with noraza now..she wants justin bieber as a guest of honour for her bdae..
she seriously crazy sia....filled her phone with his videos...lol...
well,still i might follow u for the concert,if we both are able to:)
and i can't believe 12 days passed by quite fast...2 days left and i'm back to home sweet home...WITH MY KEYBOARD!!!
i swear i forgot the songs rdy sia...love me and the day after..i was sorta going through the notes in my head and i forgot most of it:((((
this is what happens when u don't practice what u love like crazy for more than 10 days..SUCKS!
tmrw is 3rd jan!!!!one more day!!!lol..okay,i said that already...i effing excited!!!
can't wait to view al the texts in my phone..if i have any..hahax!
oh well,enough for now..gonna head to bed early today though..have to wake up early..
and goshxxx,india mosquiotoes are HORRIBLE!!!!last night kene bitten sia....on my freaking eye...now look like the lion in the lion dance..urgh!stoopid mosquito...
lols...ok!enough for now...i wanna chat with noraza and probably update tumblr if i have time:)

All In The Past