Jan 19, 2011

just came back from another tiring day at school...bought nerda and twisties otw to school today...nerds finished befor recess:( anyways,survived 4 periods of poa!YEAH!
haha...so yea,tmrw cant have tuition coz last minute got cca...goodness!can i have some rest...
so,tmrw is scandal week...yipee!actually we should change that to scandal day..hehe^^
ok what else..dad went to kl today..and coming today...:)
after school today had malay coaching which was....nevermind..no comments..
me and noraza were sitting together...and she was vandalising her green tea bottle with her scandal's name..awww..so sweet NOT!anyhow write my name with other guys sia...ashvini love so and so...ashvini love that guy...ashvini love this guy...SIAO!i think it was like 7 guys....wth!i don't admire 7 guys sia! well,maybe one or two of them were correct...oh wait,only one!haha...the nyp guy!lols! kidding...
so yea,took pics and she asked me to upload on fb....urgh!dream on girl..i dont want the other 6 fake guys to think otherwise..hah..so i upload on tumblr kaes...when i have time...which is not now:)
oh well,sis wanna go northpoint soon i guess..gonna finish up maths homework and english...shower shower and off to northpoint...i wanna buy barbell:))) yeay!either green or orange...maybe green...hahax...see first..
anyways,today my voice sexayyy!hahaha!!i seriously sounded like a guy:(( oh my dear throat,wont you please cure already..i couldnt talk to so many people today properly coz of you!!!urgh!
aite..enough blogging..and i realise its been some time since there were pics on my blog...will try upload some soon:)
can;t wait for tmrw!!!

All In The Past