Jan 25, 2011

back from school!tiring uh...
met up with halima at interchange today..coz dad wasnt feeling well:((now he's fine though:D
me and noraza planned to cry today..hahax!but never uh...lols..
anyways,had mass run + p.e + dance class + jogging...cool right!i like!
so yea,as expected,2.4 running postponed...quite good though:)
had shuttle run today..woah!CMI SIA!!!i got 11.12 secs...sad sad...i want 10:(((
anyways,did all the other stations again...well we "sort of did it" haha!
had dance class..went quite well..can really see the dance forming nicely now:)
and janjab talked to me for the first time..lols
after dance,dad fetched me then off to stadium...with him and maid... jog a little...
then run 1km and i died-ed!hahax...but!i damn happy...my dad say i ran fast...woahh!!like first time he said something good about my sports:) i love yooh!
so maybe everyday might be going stadium if possible:)
okayy..enough for now...gotta revise for poa and geography test tmrw:) wish me luck peoples!

- Your Effed Up Name.. Oops! Correction! The Name Of An Effed Up Person.Yeah!

All In The Past