Jan 10, 2011

stayed back for the release of O level results...was quite stressful for me too..idk why..
so yea,rahziah passed her malay..wow!i'm so proud of her...
and yea,didn't hear much screaming coz most of them were crying:(
was with gfs,we comforted nabilah..i saw the JAE book...checked out the sports course..26 points? i though it would be lesser...
urgh!heck that...i think i'll take mass media then...
anyways,went for indian dance meeting..after that...went northpoint with rahziah and irza...bought cake to celebrate her passing..haha..i bought for myself too...idk for what reason!
haiss...anyways,gtg now..sis wants her lappy back..and i need to eat my cake...
and i effing need to buck up in studies...
noraza!!!how sia now???

All In The Past