Jan 15, 2011

last night i finished up the research on the "dead man"
hahax..slept around 12+ and woke up SICK!urgh,miss bavani pass to me!confirm!haiss...i hate this!
anyways,i'm currently sitting in front the computer with my vectors homework in front of me..but yea,i havent started:) coolness
yeah...i still can't believe its o level year..and about 7 months to prelims?prelims in august right?
woah,like damn fast oni!
anyways,imma finish all homework today...left with maths only...so yea,after that,watch tv and slack till tmrw...and sis wanna watch some movie...urgh1i malas to follow her..
haiss..anyways,it's 5.30 rdy..i gotta finish up my hmwk:))

All In The Past