Jan 24, 2011

ok,i'm not supposed to be blogging.but heck,blogging is like a major part of my life now:) so hard to stay away from it.well,least i'm trying..ok,skip all that!i gotta update bout yesterday and today yea?
so 230111-shafiq's bdae celebration at east coast park...went there with krisna sis and irza..and krisna in the taxi was totally crazy...like an unleashed monkey-cool!but she damn noisy...lols..anyways,celebration was quite fun.played in the ocean..and i got allergy?wtf?who the hell is allergic to seawater sia?i just discovered i am..lols...and we almost threw krisna to the sea..cool!then true or dare was awesome..ask for guys number..haha..but they ended up being bastards..hahax..headed back with krisna,irza and sis arnd 7+..woah!damn tired!took pics with krisna at home(will upload soon kaes-this weekend i guess).then brought back some memories...showered,sent krisna to bus stop,last minute revision for ss and then i KO :)

aitee..240111-exactly two months to rahziah's bdae.and exactly 8 months to maths o level paper...hahax!today was the first time 5na had to do a 8 paragraph social studies essay in 20 minutes.siao!confirm i fail! and noraza today emo:(anyways,hope she's fine now! wednesday got poa test and GEOGRAPHY test.monday got physics test and GEOGRAPHY test.my geog teacher is crazy.3 class tests in one month.wth! die!
so,texted noraza bout the stuff we usually text about^^ queenstown secondary syndrome?haha. and yea!2 people know my tumblr rdy.noraza and irza.DONT TELL ANYONE!:)) i trust u peoples!

Note To Self: dont put your passwords related to ur bf.coz when u people break up,u freaking have to change every single thing and re-memorise ur password.LECEH RIGHT! and yeaa!
advice to "some guys" : brush ur teeth or eat some minty sweet before you start smooching all over a girls' face..haha...okay..that seemed weird! BUT SERIOUSLY -.-
andandand!i'm so freaking addicted to bruno mars songs!!listening to it the whole day while doing maths..and dammit,his songs made me finish my maths topic in like half an hour..which is super fast lehh!BRUNO MARS ROCKS!
and,i wanna try learn a bruno mars song on piano.cool right?got so many sia...can learn all she knows,runaway and idk what else uh..haha..ok enough of all that..
tmrw is p.e day..feeling kinda better now but i hope tmrw is 2.4 running...i dont wanna run for beep test..coz i know i gonna fail...so 2.4,i dont give a damn:)
and i found out that sports heats is on 100311:)))) woah!i damn excited...this yr i'm gonna do all events no matter what...even if my effed up leg gives problems again:)
ohwell,enough of blogging now..see how i get carried away!

- and i just realised it has been with me all along. one glance was all that was needed.i swear i miss those times. it was so... DIFFERENT.
and yea,i'll make it a daily routine now.everyday at least once:) at least i'll have that smile on my face:)

All In The Past