Aug 5, 2011

Haven't been blogging for a while now.
I swear school is fucking my life up.
Anyways, Friendship is back to normal now :)

But, i guess you found out I have a crush on you- thats what they say.
But I swear I melted when you said Hi to me.
omfg. Well, its obvious i stalk you-.-
I need to stop that:)
Heck it, lets just be friends first. We barely know each other.
IDGAF if you're younger than me. TEEHEE.
But yeah, she shouted your name from the 3rd floor, and you looked up.
Feeling embarassed, I went away.
And dammit, you came all the way up.
k.nvm. It'll never happen.
High hopes.PFFT.
so well, prelims on 24th august.
nvmd, with motivation from fat lips, i can do it! k.lame shit.

P.S- stop coming around me. Me not like you-.- plus, those were just rumours in sec3. Go away:D

Rumours spreading, people think i smoke.
Guys, i hate you. thanks for ruining my life.
Now my best friend doubts me.
And dude, you might have just ruined my love life.
I fvking hate you.

Another attempt at moving on: FAILED. thanks to you, beetch_|_

All In The Past