Mar 24, 2011

i so sian now.i actually typed a whole essay about what i learnt today. and dammit,idk what happened. fml!this might affect whoever,i'm sorr if it did in any way.,the main thing was the crying. crying over how stupid we have been in our lives.blaming our parents for everything we go thorough. we have a lack of freedom,a curfew, low self confidence and its all their fault.
dont we realise that they are the ones who are actually being tortured?they work for us,they provide for us.and all we do is curse them behind out backs,go against their words. what kind of children are we?we torture them alot and yet they dont complain,they just hold it in,cause they loved us from the moment we came into this world.
when was the last time we helped out parents?when was the last time we told our parents we loved them?remember the times when a night would never be peaceful without a goodnight kiss and a hug?remember the very first day of primary school when our parents sent us and never looked away till we disappeared into the school?they were there for us all this while , and human nature is,we will only regret and start to treasure this once they are gone.can't we just hug them before going to bed? a hug makes someone's day. don't you know how "loved" a person will feel with just one small hug?and can't we start appreciating everything they have done for us from the moment we entered this world?
and when they leave us,and we see the sad look on their face. we ask them whats wrong?is there any problem. and then they say that their only problem was you and your upbringing. it feels like an explosion.
dont we realise that we have taken advantage of them? we were so rude to them?the simplest of things they ask us to do, we don't. we say that we got other things to do.we put them through so much, and we complain about the simplest matters. we're so childish.
i'm gonna change. for the better. today's crying session was horrible and so beneficial. it made me realise how stupid,stubborn,guilty i was.although my dad may seem to not believe in me. he may seem to ignore me. he may not allow me to take sports course in poly. whatever it is. it's nothing compared to what torture we gave them. and i realised this myself.everyone cried,boys and girls. it was really a reflecting point today.we have all been rude to our parents and lets change that now. i know i am.
after the crying session,i didn't eat dinner as there was alot to ponder about. then girlfriends and me headed to hockey pitch where they did the most beautiful thing. they called their parents and said sorry,thank you and i love you.i didnt call dad cause he was in a meeting.
headed back to class where i had another round of crying. people,i hope you all are fine:)
and today i felt's the worst feeling of regret one can ever feel.let me tell you honestly. the amount of tears i shed during a break up for whatever amount of days, is the exact amount i cried today in just one hour. that's really now,i promis myself to change.
Dear Dad,i'm sprry for whatever i put you throught. i know i put you through hell and you still love us no matter what.i'm sorry for going against you and trying to get more freedom. i'm sorry for things that we do behind your back and you don't know till now.
i'm sorry for cursing you behind my back.i'm sorry for not helping you when you needed me the most. i'm sorry for going out with friends often .
 i'm sorry for that very time when you suspected i was in a relationship. i'm sorry for having a boyfriend when you specifically told ud not to,not now. i'm sorry for piercing my ear without you knowing. i'm sorry for rebonding my fringe.i'm sorry for everything else that affected you one way or another.
thank you for alwasy being there. thank for the advice and the made me who i am today and i have a clearer view of my future.
and dad,i will always love you deep dowm inside. my love for you is unconditional.just please understand that i am a girl,i have uncontrollable emotions. i tend to cry easily,i tend to get angry easily,i tend to show attitude easily.i'm extremely sorry for all this. i know what shit i put you throught .and i know i can never live if that pressure was put on my shoulders.

Dad,i love you :)

All In The Past