Feb 2, 2011

okay,i currently feel happy and depressed at the same time. haha ..coz i read nani's tumblr. exactly the same things that i feel.
and i'm in the 'song' mood.
i got all random songs going through my head sia. it's awesome:)
 It's a beautiful night, We're looking for something dumb to do. HEY BABY, I THINK I WANNA MARRY YOU<3
hahax.random much!
i need to play keyboard. and create that 'song' i've been trying to create since like forever. i think imma take up piano classes after Os.. idk,people keep on telling me to do so.
 but i very malas. and yeah,i need to create a twitter. but i'm also malas:)
okay,i'm bored.so imma end this post,finish up milo nuggets,text scandal,watch tv with sis and dad,then just do nothing till i know what i need to do:)
and i'm missing someone. it's a really really random person,idk why i even thought of you.haha. imy:)

Should I Give Up Or Should I Just Keep Chasing Pavements, Even If It Leads Nowhere.
Or Would It Be A Waste Even If I Knew My Place, Should I Leave It There.
 -i know someone who has this feeling everyday of her life.
P.S-It's not me:) My Life Not So Emo:D

All In The Past