Oct 28, 2011

Had maths paper 2 today. Can do uh. But confirm got alot of careless mistakes.
Anyways, 10 minutes after my paper, i got a call from an unknown number-.-
Ugh, ended up being some group of lame shit guys prank calling, wanting to "make friends"
WTF sial?? Lifeless asses. Plus, it was a group prank call. No balls uh, cannot call alone is it-.-
yeah, so i ended the call and they kept calling. so i passed the phone to adeline, HAHA. she fired them.
omg, i swear i couldn't stop laughing at the way she scolded them.
The only vulgar stuff they know is eff your mother, eff your father, eff you, nbcb.
THATS IT. such limited vocab sia. I swear i know more vulgarities than you-.-
Yeah, this part of the convo really made me LOL.
Guy: Eff you la!
Adeline: I don't want.
Guy: Why la?
Adeline: Coz you indian.
Guy: So?
Adeline: Indian guys got small d***. Wanna f*** also got no feeling. Probably can't even see your d***

LOL. the guy cut the line after that.
Anwyays, heck them. they called sis after that though. Then sis passed the phone to dad, and they got fired as well.
HEHE^^ i fucking love my dad

went on facebook friends deleting spree just now. from 730 to 672.
I'm so evil. HAHA. deleted all those not worthy of being my friends. HAHA. kidding uh. i just deleted those who never contact me, or i just hate.
But i did keep some guys on my friends list though:) Coz i find them cute. HEHE!
oh well, i'm done blogging, i need to use my tumblr now. NAO!

All In The Past