Nov 8, 2010
aitee...if u all wanna know what happened in school..go to my tumbleehh!haha...i malas to type yeaa..went for movie with sis!URGH!FINALLY...after all the bloody confusions...first we wanted to watch PA2..COZ SOMEONE SAID WE WILL WATCH!-.- then decided on the social network..coz its NC16:) and it will be the first NC16 movie i watch when i am officially 16..haha..crap reason!last last went for that hindi movie...action replayy...haha..awesome shit!damn funny!!haha...the actor so cutteee!!!hair look like corbin blehhh!hahax..cute cute:) i likee:)haha...ok...anyways..on the way back...urgh!horrible..beside me was this "couple" smooching every 5 seconds!gosh!irritating sia...i mean.i understand yall wanna kiss and stuff...every 5 seconds not necessary noe..CACAT!whoaa..heck that!there's dance tmrw..hopefully more people come tmrw...and yeaa...our costumes are gonna be awesome...overheard what teachers planned today:) gonna wear gold! :D having headache again -.-!nowadays we both having frequent headaches!!oh yeaaa...before the movie,sis decided that she doesnt wanna get married.POOR THILAN..then after the movie..she wants to get married..YAY THILAN! before and after i dont want to get married..LOL!so,i told must flirt flirt u wont miss out..haha..crap sia!but what dad said was true marriage=u just saved yourself..haha!OH yeaaa..might not be going india during holidays...hmm..good or bad?well..any way,i still need to call rahziah:)might be going france...see uncle chile:) AND SNOW!!!AAAHH!!MY LIFELONG DREAM OF SEEING SNOW...haha..ok..MIGHT be going...only MIGHT! well..thats it for is drama watching time:) HEHE^^ [ how could you ever think of stooping so low?i mean..even before getting to know a girl already cheated her..faking ur identity?using someone else's name?what kind of a guy are you.definately, YOU ARE SOOOO NOT GETTING THE deserve this shit.and i thought you were those 'innocent' kind of guy,didn't expect you to turn out like this.Thanks,for whatever! ]