Oct 15, 2010
Major exams all over:D phsics and maths was ok la..maths paper wasnt so hard..but i lost quite alot of marks..when teacher said 1 min left,my hand damn damn shaky..couldnt write properly..lol..but i got answer correct!hope teacher can understand my handwriting..lol...physics not bad..i have hope to pass sciences:) so yeaa..chalet planning still going on..14,15,16..i might be going la..i talk loud loud about it in the car just now when dad fetches me..was telling sis,but i wanted dad to hear..lol...:) so he might allow..by next week wednesday or thursday i can confirm..hope i can go sia..although i cant stay over...anyways..monday is v.e exam..no one's bothered..hehe^^ i told salina to remember the meaning of paedophile..haha..coz last yr v.e test and exam got the"what is paedophile" question..haha...but i still hope its computer game!!:) like the one earlier this year..that was fun:) ok...came home,watched spongebob..feeling sleepy..short nap..woke up arnd 245+ watch some more tv..then now on msn chat..chatting with rahziah:) oh!i might be going for kpop night on 23oct..maybe..havent confirm though..tickets damn ex sia... haiss..school gonna end ready...good thing is that its holidays...bad thing is im really really gonna miss my friends!!WE HAVE TO MEET UP ON ANOTHER DAY OTHER THAN THE CHALET!!!at least to "do" homework..lol...29 oct last day of school..i asked dad to lend me his digital camera on that day...he said can!!whoo!!yeaaa!!but cannot let anyone touch touch..coz got all his business photos inside..if anything happened..he die-coz he cannot do presentation rdy..and then i die-coz he'll kill me..lol...so must be very very the careful:) so anyways...exactly one week to my bdae...ok i'm too excited...yesterday was hata bdae...smsed him...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!lol..so yeaa..thats about it for today la..damn slack redi!!!awesome!!oh!i told sis to bring me for walking with dinosaurs..like cool oni..hahax...i want to go!!!!my bdae present k..lol..kidding uh!but one things for sure.I WANT TO GO UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!!!its a must!!!!I WANT TAKE THE MUMMY RIDE..haha...ok enough of that..rahziah is going to india:( im gonna miss her...well im going too:) but she going north i gong south..haha..she gonna celebrate hari raya haji there..:)well..its been years since she went overseas..so yeaa...she quite excited uh..AND SEAN!!!u also might be going india right..when u go..u better call me before u leave..and u better get a india sim card so i can prank call u..and u better tell me which part of the ashram u staying in..and u better come visit me!!!hahax...that is if ur going la...coz it's gonna be damn damn boring without friends...like in june this year!!damn damn no life sia...whoa..now thinking back to that time..i dowan go india rdy uh...scared later sick again..then faint faint..then cannot go prayers..OMGOSH!!ok..dont so sway..i'll be fine..hahx..okayy..thats all i wanna blog now...i need to play keyboard..and i need to slack my way through..!!number 1 priority!! oh..i learning new song on keyboard...hehe^^ when its halfway through i'll let you know...:)