Sis boyfriend said this "I wouldnt be surprised if you become and anorexic bitch with cuta and emo problems"
Firstly, that just goes to show how much you think of those who actually, genuinely suffer from anorexia.
People who suffer from anorexic aren't bitches okay.
These problems are fucking serious and shouldn't be made fun if. It's a mental disorder. And if you're too mentally stable to understand that then don't fucking comment on anything.
You don't know how much thsi will affect me. Yes, words do hurt. But to a self harmer, it hurts more. Emotionally and physically. Thank you for hurting me.
This really goes to show that no one understands a self harmer. They think that they do it for the attention, for the fun of it. But you're wrong. You're oh-so-fucking wrong okay. We don't want the attention. We're fine on our own. We've realised that no one cares so we confide to no one. We don't rely on anyone. Everyone has forgotten us.
We are not attention whores. Those who cut for attention would be the ones who tell other" I cut myself yesterday. See"
Genuine self harmers do not want anyone to find out this shit. Look at me. I wear shorts to school,yes. Just because I'm comfortable in them. I don't wear long sleeve shirts because its fucking hot, and because my cuts aren't on my arms. Whenever I sit down, I always pull my shorts down, I don't want anyone to see anything. But I know they still do.
Oh forget it.
Everyone's judgemental. Thankk god I'm not. I'm just mental.
Firstly, that just goes to show how much you think of those who actually, genuinely suffer from anorexia.
People who suffer from anorexic aren't bitches okay.
These problems are fucking serious and shouldn't be made fun if. It's a mental disorder. And if you're too mentally stable to understand that then don't fucking comment on anything.
You don't know how much thsi will affect me. Yes, words do hurt. But to a self harmer, it hurts more. Emotionally and physically. Thank you for hurting me.
This really goes to show that no one understands a self harmer. They think that they do it for the attention, for the fun of it. But you're wrong. You're oh-so-fucking wrong okay. We don't want the attention. We're fine on our own. We've realised that no one cares so we confide to no one. We don't rely on anyone. Everyone has forgotten us.
We are not attention whores. Those who cut for attention would be the ones who tell other" I cut myself yesterday. See"
Genuine self harmers do not want anyone to find out this shit. Look at me. I wear shorts to school,yes. Just because I'm comfortable in them. I don't wear long sleeve shirts because its fucking hot, and because my cuts aren't on my arms. Whenever I sit down, I always pull my shorts down, I don't want anyone to see anything. But I know they still do.
Oh forget it.
Everyone's judgemental. Thankk god I'm not. I'm just mental.